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John Grzinich Estonia

John Grzinich’s interactive site-specific installation with its bamboo rods reaching out from a stream have a visual variety. Looking down into these rods we see the stream’s waters moving… a microcosmic no-tech sound interaction as we hear the different tonalities from each successive bamboo “speaker”. The actual materials used for the intervention derive from nature, while the installation integrates in nature with a subtle near invisibility. Grzinich calls the sounds “water voices” for nature speaks to us as readily as we consciously speak and define what nature is and does. With such an approach art is less an “image” and more a part of a living experience. Experience is the artwork, and the source for the inspiration as well. Modest, subtle, and with more variation than any machine could produce, these sounds are the result of physics itself, and as such awaken a sense of a greater depth of meaning. A sense of mystery pervades the sounds, of infinite depth…. There is no answer we can give…. John K Grande
“Water Voices”
Material: bamboo, stream
What appears to be visual arrangemant of bamboo pieces is also a sound installation. 8 hollow tubes of bamboo extend out to the edge of a flowing stream. Each tube is carefully placed to capture the sound of the water. At the opposite end of each tube the observer places their ear to listen. The sound of the water at every point is unique, revealing the different ’voices’ carried along with its complex flows and movements.
participatory public sound performance for bamboo, voice
approximately 15-20 minutes The audience of the Grandmother Moon exhibition opening will be invited to participate in a special sound performance conducted by the artist.

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