Jarek Koziara Poland
At the outset of the symposium, Jarek Koziara’s plan involved using cut metal plates from a shop but these were not available. And so ingenuity played a role, and a decision was made to use beer can metal. As a result Koziara’s tiny fish recycled from beer cans had more “presence” for the metal was not exactly flat, and reacted more like fish in a stream. … Ergonomics… Koriaza’s involved working a series of repetitive, almost mantra-like meditative actions as part of his process. Koriara works upon a simple beer can, and works through the material by cutting and shaping. In its final siting, these fish achieve an integration with the environment… As art is truly environmental, for the fish are a detail in a greater ecosystem of events, a landscape of events and actions we are a part of.
Installed in the stream by the Welcome Center Koziara’s installation, with its creation through the repetition of actions over time, involves transformation. The art process of cutting and assembling found and recycled metal is a process that allows the artist to further reflect on the history of the materials he is working with. Transformation of materials becomes a spiritual re-enactment or metaphor for the cycle of life… Set into the stream these “fish” in their hundreds reflect the light around them, activating and animating the setting… Art becomes a vehicle for animating natural space. The artist is a medium for transformation.
John K Grande