Art Brut The sons of Orion ・Sun
At the Mount Tsukuba Art Center as part of the ongoing events, an exhibition art by handicapped from the revealed that art can be a vehicle of communication for people with disabilities. Art becomes a special way of expressing forms, experience, environments… Many of the works on view revealed a strong sense of abstraction, or painterliness, or alternatively, are incredibly detailed renderings of all manner of things; animals, transport, birds… What strikes one is not just the sensitivity, the vivid and bold use of colours and textures, but also the range of approaches to what painting is or can represent. As well, there is this sense of the moment, of the act of painting. Unselfconscious and immediate, these artworks, like the interactions with animals like sheep, become a way for children to express something they cannot express any other way. Some of these people who made these artworks could become artists in the future. They express great hope. Creativity is a key and a tool, a way of increasing awareness of the inner worlds of autistic, or handicapped people. We see some of these inner worlds. They are beautiful, awkward, intuitive, expressive…
John K. Grande
ジョン K グランデ 今田勝 訳