Anne Leigniel France

Untitled wind reflection installation
The installation is composed of bamboos planted in the ground in an open view landscape in the mountain . Attached to the top of each bamboo stick is fixed a string linking the bamboo to one of the surrounding tree. The sculpture will be moving with the wind shaking the trees. Each bamboo follows the tree dance it is attached to. Trees don't all move at the same time or at the same pace. this reflect on the movement of the different parts of the installation moving in an erratic way The sculpture move like a mobile linking hearth to sky through the trees. It is a playful process, poetic of the balancing, fragility of the being. The white strings draw lines on the landscape.The bamboos are placed in a circle shape referring to the moon. Just like the moon reflect the light of the sun, the movement of the bamboos is the reflection of wind through the tree movement.
Working outwards from a central open space in a field overlooking the view of Mount Fuji and the valley, Anne Leigniel effectively draws lines with 4 metre high bamboo rods that are attached to white chords… Arranged in a circle like the moon, these extending rods and lines “fish” their way high up onto tree branches and some lines go out from the bamboo shoots in the landscape…. The direction is multi-directional and like antenna, these delicate lines emanating out from a central point… are equally influenced by the movement of the trees in response to the winds… As each tree varies in size, the effects of the wind vary… Each line moves differently, in variation with the others… As Leigniel comments, “The sculpture moves like a mobile that links the earth to the sky. It’s a playful process, a poetics of balance, that expresses a fragility of being ” Trees, a generator of the oxygen necessary for life, become the media, the actor, and the agent of change and conductor of this visual natural artwork.
John K Grande